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Photo 101

(see also new half course at bottom)

camera -exploded view

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Use your Camera - Stop Letting it Use You!
Don't let the picture above fool you - this is photography, not rocket science! If you're not getting the results you want from your camera, this is the workshop for you. Taking place in eight separate components, you may choose to take components of the workshop to 'fill in the gaps' where specific knowledge is lacking - or take the entire series (recommended) to get the very most out of your camera. While digital cameras are ubiquitous these days, we will focus on the use of the camera common to both film and digital cameras. Film cameras are, however, encouraged where applicable. This will be a hands-on practical workshop concentrating on getting the most from your camera in a very practical way.  You will leave the workshop with a very high degree of competency and have the tools to tackle any photographic problem you can imagine.

Requirements: Student must bring digital or film camera which has manual mode or at least access to aperture and shutter speed controls (you may bring a camera which does not meet these requirements - but it will not be as beneficial for learning). You will be expected to have a basic grasp of operating your camera (i.e.- know how to change shutter speed, etc.)

Skill Level:  Beginner/Intermediate
Location:  Gallery (click here for directons)
Duration:  Three Weeks Intensive
When:  Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-10 PM
Dates:  See available sessions below

Sections Presented in the workshop are:

  1. What makes a great photograph? Analysis of what makes a fantastic image and how to get there.
  2. exposure, ISO (sensitivity) and lighting: getting the most out of the scene
  3. aperture and shutter speed: shaping your subject
  4. choosing a lens, point of view, & perspective
  5. basic composition and color/tone theory: making great images
  6. object lesson: lighting: studio, available light photography & thinking outside the box
  7. object lesson: shooting 'reality' or making your own, macro photography, the still life
  8. special applications - photographing the unseen and summary

Assignments will be given between classes.

The Photo 101 HALF WORKSHOP (NEW):

Recommended for all students who are either self starters or are very familiar with course material and need a refresher or simply want the basics and need to hit the ground running. This is the same as the Photo 101 workshop but without the extra assignment work - but you will be able to sit in on classes with the students in the comprehensive workshop (like a class audit) and you will take part in the same exercises and have access to the same equipment - except participants will attend only the first half of the course. If space and circumstances permit, students will be allowed to extend/expand to the full version of the workshop, though we can make no promises beforehand. If you know you will be limited by your schedule, the half workshop is the one to take.

General Information

Each of the eight sections are two hours in length and sessions occur twice weekly (that means four weeks - tuesdays and thursdays from 7-10 PM). Space in this workshop will be limited to 12 (twelve) participants. Each participant will be given attention according to their needs. Questions and answers are encouraged throughout the session and individual help is available during the workshops .

The workshop fee is $295 for the entire set and $255 for members (and a further $20 off if purchased online). Groups also welcome by prior arrangement. Fee includes handouts summarizing topics included in each section of the workshop. Individual instruction is also available upon inquiry.  All workshops must be paid for (or else a deposit left) before 72 hours (three days) from the start of a workshop or else a penalty fee of $50 will apply. Payment may be made online in advance (see below) at a discounted rate.

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Please see our membership page for additional huge discounts on all workshops and merchandise as well as other goodies.  Enter the code "workshop20" at checkout to receive $20 off the nominal price. Students of accredited educational institutions are also eligible to receive a 15% discount on all workshops. Please inquire about multiple workshop discounts too.
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Payment may also be taken by telephone, fax or in person, or online below.  All workshops must be paid for (or else a deposit left) before 72 hours (three days) from the start of a workshop or else a penalty fee of $50 will apply. Payment may be made online in advance (see below) at a discounted rate.
We accept all major credit cards, cash or cheque. to reserve space by telephone, call:
visa mastercard amex   cheque money order 323

Next Available Photo 101 Workshop: (click on drop-down menu for availability)
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Please if you have specific questions about the workshop that are not addressed on this page.

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C4 Contemporary Art
Los Angeles, CA  90028