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Darkroom Boot Camp
Something for photographers and collectors / fans of photography alike. This workshop covers the basics of theory and practice. Be prepared to get your hands wet too! As traditional darkroom practice becomes something that starts to approach the exotic, and something catering to only more 'specialized' practitioners, so does the ability to find classes of high quality instructing in this nearly arcane process. We will take you through the ins and outs of film development and then explore in some detail the possibilities available to practitioners of the past and the present. Each participant will make their own folio of prints, and then we will look at the results and explore some other possibilites. In the workshop we will also look at some more unusual/arcane processes and their effects on print color and tonality, etc. Image/print samples of different practices will be explored. Emphasis will be placed on balanced understanding of darkroom procedure - as a means of enhancing the pursuit of technical knowledge of the photographic language and materials.

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darkroom enlarger set up
Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Location: at gallery (click here)
Instructor: JW Dewdney
Duration: full evening (4 hrs)
Cost: $135
Dates: See available sessions at bottom of page.

Topics covered in the workshop are:

  • film processing and the effects of development choices on the resulting image
  • developing film for the optimal print in any medium
  • basic print methods and best practices for gelatin silver prints (and other types)
  • identifying common faults in printmaking
  • historical practices and trends
  • image enhancement/modification (toning, masking, advanced practice)
  • laboratory run through and hands on printing session (please bring a negative if possible!)
  • analysis and follow through/troubleshooting session
  • printing for longevity / archival permanence
  • scope of modern usage of tradional practices
  • summary
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Space in their workshop will be limited to 6 (six) participants. Each participant will go home with their own edition of 10 photographic prints. This is an evening workshop and takes 4 hours. It includes coffee and other non-alcoholic refreshments of your choosing.   Workshop fee is $150 or $125 for members or participants with credentials or student IDs from recognized educational institutions. There is a lab fee of $30 for this  workshop. Groups also welcome by prior arrangement. Fee includes printed guides supplied.

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Please see our membership page for additional huge discounts on all workshops and merchandise as well as other goodies.  Students of accredited educational institutions are also eligible to receive a 15% discount on all workshops. Please inquire about multiple workshop discounts too.
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Payment may also be taken by telephone, fax or in perso , or online below.  All workshops must be paid for (or else a deposit left) before 72 hours (three days) from the start of a workshop or else a penalty fee of $50 will apply. Payment may be made online in advance (see below) at a discounted rate.

We accept all major credit cards, cash or cheque. to reserve space by telephone, call:
visa mastercard amex discover cheque money order 323

Workshop Dates/Times (click on drop-down menu for availability)
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Please if you have specific questions about the workshop that are not addressed on this page.


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C4 Contemporary Art
Los Angeles, CA  90028