Renovating Art History.
This is the first document of it's type in the history of the Internet or contemporary art -in it, we are attempting to draw decisive genealogical links between artists, their precedents and antecedents and cultural factors influencing their work and lives. For the moment - some of the content will be available as a knowledge base only. Phases of construction will be as follows.
Phase One
The first phase involves the development of an extensive catalogue of contemporary and precontemporary artists (including biographies, an explanation of their relevance, examples of work and relationships to other artists and constructs.
Phase Two Phase two will include exhibition & media reference libraries including interfaces to google map data indicating locations where their work may be found and downloadable iPhone interfaces. This may be in the form of an autonomous downloadable application, on the web via wireless access or both.
Phase Three The third phase in the project will present a new paradigm and interface for navigation of this and other data - which we hope will make traditional electronic and print souces seem awkward at best and set a new standard for information ergonomics and retrieval.
Mission Statement
In short - the purpose of this section is intended for reference and as a research tool, providing a quick source for information accessible from computers and wireless devices, allowing the user to make conceptual links between unexpected sources. Additonally, it will allow the user to access and develop critical faculties in the understanding of relevant media and concepts.
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