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Profile: Yves Klein
Affiliated Movements: Conceptual Art. Minimalism, Pop Art, New Realism*

Affiliated Artists:
Marcel Duchamp
Andy Warhol
Carl André
Robert Smithson
Richard Serra
Anish Kapoor


* The placement of other artists in the same category is purely for didactic purposes - any number alternate criteria could result in a different choice. This list is chosen by suggesting other artists, mostly working at the same point in time and whose work might evoke similar questions in the viewer.

Portrait of Yves Klein

The Enigma of Yves Klein

While a peripheral figure to many - to a select few, he is the Patriarch and ultimate Godfather of the phenomenon known as 'Contemporary Art'. Klein, along with Duchamp - is perhaps the singluarly most inspiring figure in the art world, at least where direct influence on other artists is concerned. Klein's DNA can be found in an astounding number of works producted by the avant-garde since his time.

A contemporary of Mark Rothko's, though younger, he is generally considered the progenitor of Minimalism and Conceptual Art. In Klein's short life (he only lived to the age of 34), he singlehandedly managed to redefine the foundation on which the entire generation of the 1960s avant-garde stood, including that of Andy Warhol, Carl André, Robert Smithson (later of course) and so forth. In fact, much of his influence is only starting to have been absorbed by the Zeitgeist.

Where his forebears (the DaDa) had also carried out similar acts and operations with the same intent, Yves Klein's genius was in formatting these acts for accessibility and public consumption. Klein's particular genius was curatorial and related to the field of public relations, much as Warhol's would be less than a decade later. While one could refer to Klein as a 'popularizer' - but the question is really political in nature and best left for other forums than this.

Yves Klein- Leap into the Void (Saut dans le Vide)

Yves Klein, Leap into the Void (Saut dans le Vide), Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, October 1960.

The Monochrome Paintings
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting, M6, 1956 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957Monochrome Painting, M7, 1950 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB45 Blue 1960Monochrome Painting, M12, 1949 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957Monochrome Painting, M26, 1949
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting, M28, 1950
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting, MP19, 1962
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting, M52, 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting, IKB190, 1959

IKB - International Klein Blue
Yves Klein - Klein International Blue IKB Patch
Klein International Blue (IKB), Reference Color Specifier Patch.
Klein's greatest legacy? Or was he simply early out of the gate in the 'branding game'?

The IKB (Blue) Monochrome Paintings
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961Monochrome Painting IKB2, 1961 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957Monochrome Painting IKB22, 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB45 Blue 1960Monochrome Painting IKB45, 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957Monochrome Painting IKB47, 1956
Monochrome Painting IKB13, 1960
Monochrome Painting IKB54 1957
Monochrome Painting IKB160 1957 Monochrome Painting IKB190 1959

The Sponge Relief Paintings
yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB45 Blue 1960

Les Cosmonogies

yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB Blue 1961 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB45 Blue 1960 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957 yves klein- monocrhome painting IKB22 Blue 1957

The Fire Paintings
yves klein- FIRE PAINTINGSKlein in Action working on his Fire Paintings, 1961. (click for details) yves klein- FIRE PAINTING F25 1961Fire Painting F25 1961


Sculptural Works (this section under construction)
Yves Klein - Table with IKB Table, 1963. Oriiginal Dimensions: 100x125x37.5 cm




Yves Klein: Symphonie Monotone Antrhopométries and Fire Paintings (demonstration)
Yves Klein's 'Vide' (Void) sculpture- unknown source

Art Stories with Pascal: Yves Klein IKB Monocrhome Painting - (GERMAN)



written and edited by JWD


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