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Hiroshi Sugimoto: Seascapes

Ever the romantic enthusisast of the photographic medium, the seascape series are testament to his ardor.  While they are deeply 'photographic' they are also deeply metaphysical and existential documents.  As a form and cultural construct they exist as the ultimate distilling of the form of photographic landscape. Perhaps this is a clue as to the intent of the artist. They are explorations of spiritual and physical boundary as much as an exploration of the phenomenology of the picture plane (an ongoing concern of his). The longer-exposed images, apparently exposed through a neutral-density filter (permitting him to expose for an artiificially long duration) distinguish themselves from their shorter counterparts. The existence of both within the larger series is enigmatic. Waves and other features which would otherwise be erased by the passing of only several seconds are revealed in some though not others.  To me, this begs an interesting question - though it seems likely to me that the depth of this desire for control does not extend so deeply- more likely that there are elements in these works that he leaves to chance - much as he leaves the exposure of the negative in the movie theatre series as a function of the general luminosity of the film genre being viewed.

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hiroshi sugimoto - seascapes



Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape: Cascade River, Lake Superior, 1995Seascape: Cascade River, Lake Superior, 1995. Silver Gelatin Print(CLICK TO SEE DETAIL)
Dimensions variable by edition.

Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape:   Aegean Sea, Pillon, 1990Seascape:   Aegean Sea, Pillon, 1990.        Silver Gelatin Print (CLICK TO SEE DETAIL)
Dimensions variable by edition.

Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape: Sea of Japan, 1997Seascape: Sea of Japan, 1997.
Silver Gelatin Print(CLICK TO SEE DETAIL)
Dimensions variable by edition.

Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape: Baltic Sea, near Rügen, 1996Seascape: Baltic Sea, near Rügen, 1996.
Silver Gelatin Photograph
Dimensions variable by edition.
Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape: Ligurian Sea, near Saviore1993Seascape: Ligurian Sea, near Saviore,1993. Silver Gelatin Print(CLICK TO SEE DETAIL)
Dimensions variable by edition.
Hiroshi Sugimoto - Seascape: North Atlantic Ocean, Cape Breton, 1996Seascape: North Atlantic Ocean, Cape Breton, 1996.. Silver Gelatin Photograph(CLICK TO SEE DETAIL) Dimensions variable by edition.

Seascape: Cascade River, Lake Superior, 1995

Silver Gelatin Print(CLICK TO SEE DETAIL)
Dimensions variable by edition.

see also:
Francis Poole

If you like the work you see on this page, you may want to take a long look at the work of Belgian photographer Francis Poole. Click on image for more images. Also see Codex for other recommendations.


hiroshi sugimoto - seascapes



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C4 Contemporary Art
Los Angeles, CA  90028